Asking questions

Do you ask questions?

Asking questions is important. Even more important is asking the right questions. Even more important is asking the right questions to the right person or source(because the “source” may not be a person). We grow up asking questions about anything and everything. Ideally speaking, every new question you ask should be superior to the previous question you asked(in a very abstract sense). Assuming this, it may not be long before which you will see a need to find other superior sources because unlike you or your brain, the source need not appreciate in it’s value. Unanswered questions should prompt you to find better sources.

Here, many cases can arise. One may be asking the right questions to wrong sources leading to the overall deterioration of the good question-answer harmony(I need a better word here!). This is not desirable as one seldom realizes if the answer was wrong. And this can initiate a chain reaction of wrong answer or not-so-right-an-answer everywhere(as more and more entities ask the same question) in the system which is like an expandable sphere with a finite elasticity. It finally bursts. The state returns back to the original raw state of chaos and unorganized information.

Also, with answering questions, more often than not I have seen that answering various questions helps the answerer know what he knows, better. Many a times, the thought process is well developed somewhere in the brain waiting for that particular question to arise. Expression or a traversal of your brain(not that you can completely traverse it) for data is important to know yourself. It can very well be the case that you ask yourself those questions and try to find the answer within you. An entire lifetime might be less to know what all you know so the best way is to ask good questions.

Now how exactly does one ask good questions? What do we mean by good questions? A good question simply means a question which satisfies the above mentioned criteria i.e. a good question is a question which is superior to all the previously asked good questions and directed to the appropriate source. This might sound more like a lesson but it is not. People should view their wisdom levels both relatively and absolutely. If you stop asking questions then probably your value is deteriorating relatively(maybe even absolutely) but when you ask questions you are becoming absolutely better. But relatively, you may or may not grow, as it depends on what questions others are asking. Also, as mentioned earlier, it is never in your interest to not answer when asked a question you know thinking you will be bad relatively. When you answer, you start knowing what you know and this is always good.

Now what happens if you don’t ask questions at all? Is it any better than asking the right questions to the wrong sources. Most of the times, it is worse. One is bound to ask the right questions to wrong sources and with increase in the “good” questions, one is more sure of hitting the wrong sources as the number of sources decrease absolutely. On the way to correct answers, one should not share the half answers or answers they doubt themselves to others or they must be imparted to others with caution so as to not burst the balloon. But without asking questions, you are almost like a dead mind in a living body. It is surely not easy to always ask good questions but it is easy to be on the path of asking questions and trying various sources! Sometimes there isn’t just one source or one way of answering a particular question. Things have to be learnt and various strings have to be connected before one becomes mindful enough to grasp the answers they are looking for. If you reach a dead end, you are surely not mindful enough to circumvent the problem, of grasping what is about to come or you are not asking a “good” question. Try to fill in the gaps.

Ask questions!